Cane Toad

The Life of Animals | Cane Toad | A huge cane toad women more than men reach an average length of 10-15 cm (3.9 to 5.9 in). Held "Prinsen", a toad as a pet in Sweden are listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest recorded pattern. Individual cane toads can be gray, yellowish, reddish brown or olive brown, with various patterns. Juvenile toads cane is much smaller than adult cane toads 5-10 cm (2.0 to 3.9 inches) long. Tadpoles in the range of 10 to 25 mm (0.39 to 0.98 inches) long. The title "Marine Toad" and the scientific name Bufo marinus suggest an association with marine life, and adult toads cane entirely terrestrial, just dare to breed in fresh water. While the growth rate varies by region, season and sex, and train train find average initial growth rate of 0.647 mm (0.0255 inch) per day, and then averaged 0.373 mm (0.0147 inch) per day. The growth is slowing is usually only toads sexual maturity, the rapid growth of their survival during metamorphosis and sub-adult, losing young toads to their toxicity, which protects them, such as eggs and tadpoles, but not yet fully developed parotoid glands much produce bufotoxin the Because they do not have this key, it is assumed that only 0.5% of the cane toads in adulthood


As in the growth rate varies, the point at which the frogs become sexually mature in different regions. In New Guinea, the sexual maturity of the female toads snoutvent length of 70 to 80 mm (2.8 and 3.1), while the toads reach maturity in Panama, when they are between 90 and 100 mm (3.5 and 3.9 inches in) long. Cane toad has a high resistance to water loss, a study showed that some of them can resist the 52.6% loss of body fluid that they can survive outside the tropical conditions. Adult skin is poisonous cane toads, as well as an enlarged parotoid glands behind the eyes and other glands on their backs. When the toads are endangered, glands, milky-white liquid bufotoxin known. Bufotoxin components are toxic to many animals, there were even human sacrifice in connection with the consumption of cane toads. Bufotenine, a chemical substance secreted by cane toad is classified as a Class 1 drug under Australian law, along with heroin and cannabis. It is assumed that the effect of including similar to a light bufotenine poisoning stimulation, mild hallucinations, takes less than an hour as a cane toad bufotenine allocated in small amounts, and other toxins in relatively large quantities, could lick toad in serious illness or death is run.


In addition to the production of a toxin capable of cane toad inflating its lungs, puffing, lifting his body off the ground it more and more of a potential predator Toxic toads sausages with meat are currently trying in the Kimberley (Western Australia) to, to protect domestic animals from the lethal effects of cane toads tested. Mixing bits of toad cause nausea chemical, bait animals trained to stay away from amphibians. Many species prey on cane toad in their homeland. Predators outside the natural range of the cane toad include Whistling Kite (Haliastur sphenurus) Rakali (Hydromys chrysogaster), black rat (Rattus Rattus) and the Water Resources Act (Varanus Salvator).


There have been occasional reports of Tony Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) and Papuan Frogmouth (Podargus papuensis) eating cane toads. It is likely that the opossum Didelphis genus of cane toads can eat with impunity. Besides the already mentioned use as biological control of pests, cane toad has used in several commercial and noncommercial applications. Traditionally, the natural habitat of the toads in South America, "milking" the toad, the Embera-Wounaan their toxins which are then used as arrow poison.


The toad has parotoid glands as a source of food hunting in some parts of Peru and eaten after removing the skin. Pregnancy tests were in the middle of the 20th Century by the introduction of the urine performed by women in the male toad lymph sacs, and if the sperm appeared in the urine of the toad, the patient is pregnant. Is considered ideal in experimental animals cane toad, they are plentiful and easy to maintain and operate and inexpensive. Even a dead toad matter. Cane toad skin was stuffed into the skin and novelty items cane toads, supplied and installed, has found a home in the tourist market, as well as attempts to produce fertilizer from their bodies.

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