The Life of Animals | British Longhair | The coat is lutstrous and Physique is stout in general. The head is round, with bright circular eyes and short ears.he tail is plush and thick. The chest is deep, giving the overall impression of a compact, medium-sized cat
British Longhairs can come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. It goes along with British Shorthairs. The colors are black, white, red, cream, blue, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, or Fawn. British Longhairs are quite calm and easy going. British Longhairs WHO are good for owners have to work, Because They Will enjoy just laying around all day.
During the late Nineteenth Century and early Twentieth Century, the Persian was Considered the longhaired analogue of the British Shorthair. It was therefore proposed That a longhaired cat of the British type be reintroduced into the cat fancy.
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