Siberian Tiger

The Life of Animals | Siberian Tiger | The Siberian Tiger is rusty reddish or rusty yellow, with narrow black stripes. The body length is not less than 150 cm (59 inches), condylobasal skull length 250 mm (9.8 inches), zygomatic width 180 mm (7.1 inches) and length of upper carnassial tooth more than 26 mm (1.0 inches ) long. It is generally 5-10 cm (2.0 to 3.9 inches) larger than the Bengal tiger, which is about 107-110 cm (42-43 inches) high. According to modern research of wild Siberian tigers in the Sikhote-Alin, an adult male on average over 35 months old with a weight of 176.4 kg (389 lb), the average asymptotic limit 222.3 kilograms (490 pounds) is, an adult tigress weighs 117.9 kg (260 lb). The average weight of historical Siberian tigers is expected to be higher: 215.3 kg (475 pounds) for males and 137.5 kg tiger (303 pounds) for women in May 2011 with a weight of a male named "Banzai" 207 kg (460 lb ) was the radio-collar. This individual is heavier, but smaller than a male previously fitted with radio collars. Propose measures more than 50 people trapped, taken that the body size is similar to that of Bengal tigers.


The length of the tail in adult males is about 1 meter (39 inches). In some cases, the Siberian tigers in captivity reached a weight of up to (1.030 pounds) to 465 kg, as the Tiger "Jaipur" The spatial extent of the Amur tiger in Russia's Far East, stretching from south to north for about 1000 km (620 miles) along the entire length of the Primorsky Krai and Khabarovsk Krai in the south east and south of the river Amur. Key habitat for the Amur tiger is the deciduous forests of Korean pine with a complex composition and structure. The complex of ungulates is represented by red deer, wild boar, sika deer, roe deer, moose Manchuria, musk and Ghoral. The number of Amur tiger in China is estimated to be 18-22. About 90% of the population in the mountainous region of Sikhote Alin An unknown number of Tiger Reserve in the areas around Baekdu survive mountains, based on take-off and landing runways and local observations.


Siberian tigers are known to travel up to 1,000 km (620 miles), a distance which marks the boundary of the land exchange by continuous ecologically made In 1992 and 1993 the population density maximum total population of tigers in Sikhote-Alin 0.62 people in 100 km2 (39 sq km) was estimated. Between January 1992 and November 1994 11 tigers were captured, radio-collared and tracked for 15 months in the eastern slopes of the mountains of Sikhote-Alin. Distribution of wild boar was not so much to predict the distribution of the tiger. Although they attack both the Siberian roe deer and Sika, this overlap is small ungulates were with tigers. Distribution of the moose was wrong with the distribution of the tiger. The distribution of preferred habitat of the prey is a key indicator of the precise distribution of the tiger.


In 2004, dramatic changes in land tenure, density and reproduction in the central area of the Sikhote-Alin Zapovednik Siberian Tiger Project have demonstrated what can on that, if the Tigers well against the mortality of people protected during an extended period, the adult female densities increase dramatically.  Siberian tigers reach sexual maturity at age four. Unlike the Bengal tiger, the Siberian tiger is rarely a man-eater. Siberian tigers have been in the past rarely dangerous unless provoked, although in the lower Syr Darya, a tiger and woman collecting wood and killed an unarmed military officer during the period from June, while going through the thicket of reeds. The attacks against the shepherds were recorded in the lower reaches of the Ili.


In the year 1867 have killed the river Tsymukha, Tiger 21 people and injured six others. China's Jilin Province have attacked Tiger woodcutter and coachman, and sometimes enter cabins and pull on adults and children Killed, according to the Bureau of the Japanese police in Korea, a tiger a man, while leopards killed three wild boars and wolves, four 48 in 1928 were only six cases in Russia of the 20 attacks Century recorded unprovoked leading to man-eating behavior. Provoked attacks are frequent, but usually to capture the result of failed attempts In December 1997, intervened Amur tiger wounded, killed and eaten two people. Both attacks occurred in the Bikin valley. The anti-poaching task force investigating two deaths Inspection Tiger hunted and killed the tiger. In January 2002 a man was attacked by a Siberian tiger on a mountain road near Hunchun in Jilin Province, China, near the borders with Russia and North Korea. An examination of the scene of the attack showed that the deer was first made by man unaffected by the tiger. Soon the tiger has been shown to stroll slowly past them. Attacked about an hour after this meeting, the tiger and killed a 26-year-old woman on the same street. Until then, the tiger was found lying at 20 meters, low and barely alive. Despite the extensive surgery by a team of veterinarians, the tiger died of wound infections. The zoo subsequently erected a large fence topped by an electric fence. In January 2011, seized a Siberian tiger killed a bus driver and the tour of a farm in the northern province of Heilongjiang, China.

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